Tuesday, March 6, 2007

For Beginners in Remanufacturing

I started writing this blog assuming only people who are interested in remanufacturing will follow. It was intended to be a very targeted blog with a specific focus on remanufacturing among all other product recovery activities. However, in time "other" people (colleagues from other fields, and some friends), who have no idea about remanufacturing, started asking me questions: what, how, but why?

I never dedicated space to the definitions and alternative terms for remanufacturing. But for the enthusiastic mass who took interest in this field (thank you!) I want to add some documents from time to time to bring them up to speed. First one is an EPA update. Contains very much the beginner info: the definition, compare and contrast with recycling, practical examples from different industries. This is a ten year-old document, not academical nor theoretical, easy-to-read and glossy (WasteWise Update 1997), and very appropriate for beginners.

Dear beginners, to read more, please see WasteWise here.

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