Thursday, July 5, 2007

Oce sustainability report

A lot of companies issue sustainability reports nowadays. Aside from their role in corporate citizenship, these reports are also a good source for recent remanufacturing data of the related companies. It is a good thing to see companies take initiatives for sustainability other than changing light bulbs, or constructing energy efficient buildings (although these things no doubt required). This was also on my mind when I watched "The Inconvenient Truth", and got extremely disappointed by the limited scope and lack of emphasis on the responsibilities of businesses. Writing letters to your representatives is not the only thing you can do, and it will never be. It is consumers, politicians (like Al Gore once was) and leaders in research/industry pressuring companies to take action in remanufacturing/reuse activities by convincing them that ecology can be sustained in a economical manner.

In addition to Cat's sustainability report I posted last week, please see recently issued sustainability report for Oce here.

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